
October 6, 2013

Hunted - Official Release Date Announcement

Now that Hunted has been sent to the first group of beta readers, I can give a firm release date. Hunted will be released on Monday, November 11!

On that same date I will release a boxed set of the Parallel Trilogy. It will include all three books in the Parallel Trilogy. Here is the cover of the eBook boxed set:


Valerie North said...

Yay! The box set looks really good

Christine Kersey said...

Thanks, Val!

Ioana said...

How exciting! Yes, the box set looks great!

Christine Kersey said...

Thanks, Ioana!

AshleyB said...

How does someone become a beta reader?

Christine Kersey said...

Ashley - I'm not taking any more beta readers for Hunted, but if you email me at: christinekersey at and let me know you'd like to be a beta reader in the future, I'll put you down.

Thanks for your interest!